Jul 26, 2012 12:49
Didn't go to see Something Nasty In The Woodshed last night after all as, when I got in, I felt so wabbit with the heat that I pretty much passed out on the bed. Will have to go and see them at Banbury Folk Festival in October.
Did manage to get my washing sorted and woke up in time to mock Highlander on the telly. (Don't get me wrong, I love Highlander (although I prefer the TV series) but it is eminently mockable).
Am also a bit scared of the mushrooms in the kitchen. In return for some input on the package design, my flatmate was given a box of 'Express Mushrooms' which come in a cardboard carton with coffee grounds and you rip the plastic covering, spray them with water and wait for growth. The first couple of days she though she'd left it too long as nothing happened but, yesterday, there were suddenly mushrooms and they have doubled in size pretty much every time you leave the room. This morning they were even bigger and I fully expect to come back from Warwick to a mushroom filled house and a flatmate and cat who are suspiciously blank and smelling of fungi while a lifeless foot is slowly pulled out of view inside the door...
Tonight shall be packing for Warwick Folk Festival. Hugely excited. Have never been before and I'm actually going to this one as a punter so can do what I like when I like plus there'll be a lot of people there that I know. There's lots of fiddle stuff and they're doing the Tuneworks sessions that they do at Shrewsbury so I reckon I will try to get to all the Improvers Sessions.
Even the weather seems to be getting in on the act; the nearer it gets, the more sunny the weekend seems to be predicted as. At the start of the week, there were showers forecast all weekend (sunny on either side, obviously) and now they're just predicting rain on the Sunday evening (obviously when I want to take my tent down. I could do it earlier while it's dry but that would be far too organised. Never mind, I'll take it.)
In re-enactment news, I have sent an e-mail to the Tudor Group to see if theywould be willing to let me along to an event to see if I fit. Am getting Tudor withdrawal.
folk festival,