What can I say... life's been treating me real well =)
Two weekends ago, I was down in Disneyland for Gay Days. Major fun -- better than last year! Saw Ana Oritz from Ugly Betty... Even had an akward moment passing Bruce Villanche in the bathroom. Hell, I even made out and cuddled with a cute guy! I didn't ride much that weekend but I had fun regardless. I even persuaded Andrew (
777echelon) to stay another night!
Last weekend, I brought my coworker Andy down to SJ for a night out downtown. Caught up with Chris (
Crhale), Stefan (
schnup009), Greg, Chrissy, and even my cousin Karina who now lives down there. We started out at The Brit, then headed to O'Flaharaty's, and picked up some La Victoria before heading back to Chris's.
Andy and I were going to catch our other coworker, Mariah, at the finish line at the Rock 'n Roll 1/2 marathon the next morning, but we missed her by like 4 minutes. We stood there for an hour waiting for her too! Oh well, she forgave us =)
Not so sure what else to say here -- heh. Work's been keeping me busy, but in a good way.
Alright -- guess that's it for now!