Apr 10, 2007 14:17
Life has been all over the place. I have had extreme highs and lows this semester and Ive been tossed around a lot. Im developing tremendously artisticly but at the same time I feel like I am floundering because of my health. I cant wake up some days because of being so exhausted from the serious pain I am in 24/7. I had a lot of blood work and Xrays done. I am relieved that I do not have Lupus but my doctor left me a voicemail and from what she can see at this point I have a stress fracture in my spine.
I have to schedule an appointment for thursday and find out how seriously this is going to effect my life and the rest of this semester. I may need to be bed ridden and slightly immobile or I could need surgery...
I am not sure about the Ankylosing Spondylitis at this point. I have no clue if the stress fracture has anything to do with it or will cause it but the future will tell that. If worse comes to worse I may need to take medical incompletes this semester. I can get through my papermaking, projects, text & context, and moldin and casting fine but I am worried about needing the incompletes for stone carving and printmaking.
now after all that doomy and gloomy sound shit...
I just aquired a phenomenal 2200sq ft 4 bedroom house for atleast the next 2 years. Padrick, krystal, and my friends samantha and nate from school will be living with me. An entirely New England house in philly. It will be very awesome.
And also, Padrick and I have been seeing each other since just after thanksgiving. Its weird to think that someone can really care about me that much and put up with me while Im going through all of this hellish shit that makes me so angry and indifferent. He is a saint.
So all and all, I am very happy I do not have lupus and even though this injury is far from simple I am glad I have a little bit of an understanding of what may be going on. I have a home again and I dont have to worry about subleting from people and moving around or commuting 8 miles to school, AND I get to live with 4 very amazing people.