Dec 13, 2005 02:52
As of thursday my first semester of college will be over and my grades will be sent to the foundations office on friday afternoon at noon. If I get all of my work in order and my finishing touches I should do decent in my 3 foundation classes. I hope to just pass art history. I didnt do so well in the class because i couldnt stay awake for lectures at 11:30 am and I couldnt afford the book, oops. I should do alright in writing. I didnt get one paper in out of 7 so hopefully that wont affect me to much. I love screenprinting so I'm hoping to get a really good grade in that class because I put a lot of hours into my projects. I spend about 30 hours a week in class and what feels like my entire existance working on these projects, I'm stressed beyond belief and my nerves and health are shot to shit, but I'm absolutely in love with art and the idea of spending the rest of my life doing it.
Living in this "comfort bubble" 4 hours from the belly of the beast has been surreal because since I've been here a cousin has died, I feel like I've lost a majority of my friends(excluding all the ones that 100% matter, and you know who you are,) my little brother spiraled out of control and is now in rehab, and home doesnt feel like home anymore. My old life, so to speak, is plummeting at its fastest pace but I am not around to watch it for the first time.
Since school started I have technically moved 3 times. Once to philly, then to another dorm building, and booted out of my room in my house and now moving into my little brothers old room. My moms house doesnt feel like home anymore but these dorms dont quite feel like a home either. So where is home?
I've been horrible at keeping up with this but there has been some amazing highs and extreme lows, great experiences, and a whole bunch of new and great friends made. I think all of you would approve of the people looking out for my heart while I find my future. I feel a lot older in retrospect and I'm a lot more closed off when it comes to new people being let in my life. I have no patience with most of the people at my school because of drug use and some of you could be surprised but I havent been involved with boys in any serious manner since I've been at school. I've had the random crush and slight interest but I havent even approached any of the situations at all and let them completely die before they had a chance.
A lot of people here view me as negetive and unapproachable, sucks for them.
I've delt with some crappy effects of bipolar. every night ends on the same note but this wont stop me from what I'm doing.
I feel prepared for next semester and I'll be taking a drum class and hopefully finding a hot topic to transfer to or finally find a work study. at the end of next semester I have to decide my major.
So, Illustration, Painting, or Sculpture?