Mar 22, 2009 21:50
you know some times you just feel like the bug.
I have been doing a lot of thinking the past few days. June 19th of this year marks the 5th anniversary of my best friends death. He died on the fighting field, at an event right after winning the tourney. He was 49 years old. I miss him. Last tuesday I got a call with some news that is pretty hard to put into place. Another Very close friend of mine has been diagnosed with a massive brain tumor. It is inoperable. He is 38 years old with 5 children.
my life is so very wonderful right now. a wonderful husband who loves me. Kids who are growing and maturing. Good jobs. How is it that right now in my life I am so blessed. What did I do to be in this position. All I can do is recognize that it is what it is and I and my family are happy for the time being.
Now all I can do is help my daughter deal with loosing a man whom she considered a father. ( her own father died 3 years ago).....
I dont know what to say to him, to my daughter, to his wife, and even myself. The doctors will not tell him how long they think he has, so we will just continue to live each day and accept them as the gift that they are meant to be.