
Feb 18, 2008 22:29

Wow, I stop paying attention to the internets for a few days, and suddenly I have a whole lot of crap to catch up on.

Here's the most epic, though. This is a .doc I got today in my email. I almost deleted it, since it was from "B" with the subject "a letter" and smelled like spam.

"It took me a week to write this "letter". It is for you to read. Please do.

- B"

"Ever since you basically said that we were not friends and that I was a nuisance, I have lost all respect for you. Of course, I should have done that sooner. I was foolish to think that we were friends by any definition of the word. Every weekend I'd show up to D&D to have fun with friends, and I'd always go home in a foul mood due to some form of insult or scathing remark. I'm tired of it. Tired. But the problem isn't me. I didn't deserve any of that. The problem is you.

You are not your characters. They're part of a game, they're going to die. Anyone that says anything about the character, whether in game or out of game, is directed at the character, not you. Because you have such a hard time realizing that you are not your character, you feel the need to target certain people in game, even going so far as to hating them out of game. For the character events that I was planning, I rolled a die to figure out who would have an event. However, I like to mix it up. So I decided that there would be a real event and a fake one, just to keep the players guessing. Well, I rolled Gnaat for the real event. Then I rolled you for the fake one. I spent about 15 minutes debating if I should reroll it, since you'd probably see it as some form of attack on you. Eventually I decided to just go with it and hope that you would have matured as a person by the time everyone figured it out.

There are times when you will be wrong. Deal with it. You're not always right about everything. Part of life is realizing when you're wrong and then owning up to it. It seems you are completely unable to do this. You're incredibly stubborn. Instead, you would criticize and put down anyone that would disagree with you. This shows a huge lack of maturity. It takes a real mature person to realize "oh, I was wrong", admit it, and apologize. Doing this doesn't mean you were weak, just human. And when someone actually points out that you're wrong, you end up calling them various things, including "stupid" and they "don't know what they're talking about". You may not realize it, but those sorts of things actually do hurt people.

You crave attention. You need to have your way. If neither of these happens, you pout and say hurtful things until people do it your way. I've seen you pout for days on end just because you didn't get your way, and then take it out on the person a week later. You don't listen to reason; all that matters is that you didn't get your way. You do this over the littlest of things, too. You are extremely emotional, crying and angered by the slightest things. It is unclear whether or not this is to get a response out of those around you or not, but it really seems like it sometimes.

You're not funny in the least. You try to pass off mistakes as "I meant to do that" and put stupid little captions on them. You also do that to other people's work, most of the time without asking. Having stupid little comments put on something that someone worked hard on (or even half-assed on) hurts more than you know. You've corrected your mistakes by adding stupid captions and laughing it off as "this is how it was supposed to come out" for so long that you actually think it's funny and that other people would find it funny as well. It's not even cute. It's incredibly stupid. How would you like it if someone took some landscape that you worked really hard on and drew an arrow with "LOL TREE" above it? You do this to not only art, but to anything you see. For example, "ress plz". Those sorts of things just make other people look down on you as a person.

I left on Saturday because I was done with your crap. I didn't want to deal with you and your stubbornness. I was holding back pure rage and didn't want to yell in the store. There are customers there and yelling all this at you would've disrupted business. Instead, I went home, yelled, and slammed my fist into a door at full force. It was a very fearsome sight, and I'm sure my roommates were glad that they had to leave right then for a couple of things they do every Saturday night. I was filled with anger because I had let you abuse me for so long, because you obviously didn't respect me in the least, because something I had worked hard on with Deej was shat all over by you. And you didn't care. You didn't care that your attitude was ruining everyone's good time. You got pissed when you someone else got something you wanted. You turned it into a personal attack whenever anyone said anything negative regarding your characters, in game or out of game. You tried to make the game all about you and your ambitions, and got incredibly hostile when it turned out you didn't get what you thought you did. When it wasn't your turn, you'd doodle or something in your personal sketchbook. When it came to your turn, you'd look up and go "What's going on? Whatever, I attack." Never mind what was going on, you blatantly ignored what all the other players were doing because to you, it wasn't important in the least, simply because it didn't involve you.

All in all, you need to grow up, little girl. You need to mature. You need to take responsibility for your actions. Otherwise, you'll be left with no friends, because no one wants to be constantly put down. You'll be left with no job, because no one wants to hire someone that isn't mature. You'll be sad and miserable, all because you never grew up and took responsibility for any of your actions.

This is being emailed to you. Why? Because no matter how much I don't respect you, I believe that putting something like this in public is a horrible thing to do to a person. Of course, I expect you to see who sent this to you and delete it without even reading it. Of course, I didn't write this for me, I wrote this to tell you what I really think. That means it's for you to read. Therefore, if you don't respond to this with something that shows that you've at least read it, then I will be forced to make this an open letter, posted on my Livejournal, comments disabled, available for all to see. I would like to avoid that, but it is completely up to you."

I just have too damn many comments for how pathetic this whole thing is. For most of it, I have NO IDEA what he's talking about, and the part about sketchbooks? Yeah, the game IS called "Artist Party" for a reason. EVERYONE IN THE GAME does this. o_O Half the time we bring laptops and paint during the battles. Besides, my character is a fighter, all she can do is attack or defend.

I sent him back a reply that can basically be summarized as "wtf, this isn't about D&D you idiot. PS call me a girl again and I'm going to punch you for reals." Also, the fact that he thinks I still watch him on LJ is hilarious. Also also, I don't know why he thinks putting this on the INTERTUBES is such a threat. Maybe if he was Ryan or something, but with his massive flist of TWENTY ONE PEOPLE, only eight of which I actually know, and ONE who is one of my roleplay characters, I am more amused than threatened.


Anyway, it's spring break and I have a lot of work to do! :D

EDIT: flock is for sissies :D And for anyone who does not watch bad_rpers_suck, here it is.

d&d, wtf, lol

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