Screw the month of May.

Jun 02, 2009 08:23

May wasn't exactly disastrous, but I sure didn't make any progress either. Graphs below show some satisfying improvement year- and quarter-to-date, and an ugly stagnation for the month of May.

So, what's next? I've got my hands on the P90X DVDs and guides, and Meredith has said she'll do the workouts with me. Having a partner for this would be pretty helpful - the workouts look intense as all hell. I'll need to get a pullup bar and some dumbbells. The latter should be easy to acquire through Craigslist and easy to manage and store. The pullup bar is another story. I know you can mount them in doorways, but I'm not at all sure it'll work as advertised.

Have any of you tried P90X? What are your impressions?

weight management, health

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