Still not recovered

Jul 31, 2006 05:19

The kids and I had a great time on our trip to Texas, but I am clearly not recovered yet. I'm trying to switch my schedule back to nights so I can go to work tonight and be useful, but man, is it rough right now. Tired as crap, not feeling too alert. With luck I'll get a lot of sleep this morning/afternoon and be ready for tonight.

It helped to go out to Static last night/this morning, but I was not repeat not on my game.
anonymousx was kind enough to say that I gave a credible performance, but ... well, for reasons I'm going to be deliciously Livejournally and vague about, I don't exactly believe him. One minute I'm throwing out the funny and making people laugh (sometimes at my own expense, sometimes not). But drop a hat and my game is gone; the jolly-fat-guy construct malfunctions and I'm fumbling like a schoolboy. Wah wah emo, whatever - it's not like the thing I'm being vague about is actionable anyway, so why should I let it affect my one social evening of the week? It was all particularly difficult this time around for some reason, and I'm going to chalk it up to a lack of sleep and too many pork products. There lies my explanation and I am firmly adhered to it.

Next Sunday is a ... costume party (let's just say), and I haven't a thing to wear. I may not go. But hell, if I can magic up a Catholic priest's getup (collar, beads, and all), then maybe. I'll hear your confession - just come sit on Father Sean's lap, there's a dear.

Sun's nearly full up now. I expect I can go to bed in a few hours. If Eva cooperates and stays asleep a bit, I can play some WOW or read or do something to keep these eyes open until 0800 or so. I don't want to hit the caffeine - that'll keep me up longer than I really want just now.

Oh, I know! I can obsessively refresh my friends list. That's good for an hour or so, innit? Hooray!

static, health

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