Mar 28, 2006 20:01
i haven't updated in ages. disney was AMAZING. i had the best 4 days of my life with my best friends. it made me realize how lucky i am to be on this team, and how happy i am that i moved here. next year is going to be so depressing without all the friends i've made, seeing that a majority of them are seniors, but might as well make the most of the few months i have left with them. school is a joke as usual, homework is unheard of in my agenda, love it.=] COLDPLAY was a;sklfdasj;dklf i can't even put into words how great it was. we loveeeee chris martin! ap exams and sats are coming up, i'm lucky i don't freak out over things like this. ap english i'll be lucky if i can manage a 2, apus i'm shooting for a 4. satII in us history is the day after my ap exam and hopefully with all the studying i'm putting in for the ap i should do fine. sats are june 3rd, and i'm 1/3 of the way through my 2 review books. math is the only part i really need to work on, that and the essay. =/ we hate writing. i can't wait for the warm weather, the past 2 days have been almost springlike, it just needs to get a little warmer and i'll be content. i'm going job hunting with moo lisa and coll tomorrow, i hope i find something. i test drove an altima a week or two ago and i felllll in love even more than i already was so now i need a job to get one no matter what. lalalala 4 months til kickline starts up again, tryouts aren't until august which sucks but whatever we gotta deal with it. well now that all that's out, i need to go be a bookworm and read harry potter and the half-blood prince for the 4th time. =]