Jan 27, 2006 15:09
Hello all. Yeah I am here, and still alive. it's been like two months since I have updated. I hate boys. I have come to that conclusion. I think they all suck. All I ask for is for them to be straight up with me. Tell me hoe you fucking feel. I am not asking you to perform fucking brain surgery! GGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I am so annoyed. GRRR. Anyways here's the situation, seeing as I am not allowed to talk about it. Ok I Frank. I like him a really really lot. I have the potential to love him possibly even. It scares me yes, but I think I am ready to give this whole relationship thing another shot. He is just so, I donno, contradictory. The other night i kind of yelled at him a little bit. Not really meanly but I was annoyed. So I was talking to him and he couldn't say what he was feeling he was hinting at things but couldn't come out and say it. So I said let me see what you want to say but can't is you'd fuck me but wouldn't be with me. So I have been guessing recently that we were just friends because that's what we defined. So last night i admit i got really drunk at the bar and I said something to Andrew, Frank's friend, abotu the whole situation. Which I regret now because Frank go tmad at me. I just can't seem to do anything right with this kid, but anyways so we start talking about the situation again and it is just simply ridiculous becasue he denies the whole fuck you wouldn't be with you thing. and it frustrated me so much becaus ei swear he is into me. I'm not making this up everyone else can see i don't know what the hell is going on. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH And you know what else sucks, I can't stay away from him!
Ugh Im out sorry for bitching