(no subject)

Mar 07, 2007 22:27

What are you wearing?: care bear pj pants, gap sweater
Who are you talking to?: no one
How is the weather?: its night now, but today it was nice, it was sunny and not too cold
What are you listening to?: TV is on upstairs
What/Who are you thinking about?: just about what i would like to study for tomorrow
What are you looking forward to?: sam roberts!
What are you dreading?: exams
How are you feeling?: good thank you
How is your hair?: mini behave and slicked on the sides
What are you annoyed by?: not a thing, wait yes i am, i am annoyed about this stike that might happen, but i have a feeling it wont, so i hope it doesnt
What emotion do you feel the most?: happppy
What feeling is the best?: appreciated and loved
Worst?: rejection or even just the fear of rejection
What songs make you cry?: this country song, maybe ashley knows it, i dont know the name, it says in it tho "if you want to leave a message...blah blah ( i cant remmeber that part)...and if this is angus, i still love you" its a pretty song and sad
What movies make you cry?: Ladder 49, titanic, the Notebook, A Walk to Remember, Here on Earth, Somehting like Heaven
What always cheers you up?: Ginger! and my friends
What makes you madder than anything?: when ugly people call me ugly! what right do they have to call me ugly, they themselves are ugly! who are they comparing me to?
What hurts you the most?: rejection, being forgotten, left out on purpose
Who makes you happy?: Mommy and daddy, my brothers and their crazy antics, JK unit, my grils,
Depressed?: exxxams
Are you a really emotional person?: i'm all about the emo
What do you do when you're depressed?: cry
What song do you think was written about your life?: unwritten

When Was The Last Time You..
Burped?: on saturday that i can remember
Went to the movies?: saturday with liz
Went out to eat?: sunday with mom to Sam's
Cried?: the day after my birthday outing
Got dumped?: i am the proud dumper! never been dumped haha
Dumped someone?: August...i dont like to call it dumped tho, i will call it "ended"
Threw up?: the night i went out for my birthday haha i puked up like my whole pint before we left haha
Went skating?: like grade 12!
Went for a walk?: umm during the break with mom, when i didnt have this dumb cast on
Ate ice cream?: hmmi duno? maybe a few weeks ago
Got into a fight?: a long time ago

Do you do drugs?: Nope
Do you have a mental disablity/illness?: dont think so
Are you on any medication for any type of disorder?: nope
What kind?: none
Do you or have you ever had an eating disorder?: not really
What kinds of illnesses run in your family?: diabetes, heart disease, some cancers

Who was the last person you...
Talked to?: Dad
Yelled at?: Probaly random people at myrons, i like to tell people off when i drink
Kissed: cant really remember..
Hugged?: Aunt Marlene
Went out to eat with?: Mommy
Flirted with?: do i even flirt?
Talked to on the phone?: erin
IMed?: Patty
E-Mail?: i have no clue
Got flowers from?: dad for my birthday
Danced with?: ummm someone on my brirthday, i would rather not repeat his name, it send shivers down my spine...ahhhh red babies
Fought with?: i have no clue
Worried about?: school
Cried over?: mom, she was mad at me the day afer my birthday
Thought about?: i dont really want to share my thoughts right now, thank you very much

[In the last 24 hours, have you]
Cried: No
Bought something: umm nothing
Gotten sick: no, but i felt really sick this morning
Sang: yes..in the car
Eaten: yes
Been kissed: no
Felt stupid: i always do haha
Met someone new: yesm, the management of peaks at my interview
Moved on: no
Talked to someone you have a crush on: no, boo
Had a serious talk: no
Missed someone: sure
Hugged someone: no
Fought with your parents: no
Dreamed about someone you can't be with: no
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