Apr 19, 2007 22:23
Short update time:
So yesterday, Will came over to hang out and we watched LOST. And he behaved himself. LOLz Which is great, to just hang out with people at my house. Eep. He showed me his text messages and let me listen to some of his voicemails from this guy who stutters and shit. lol Funny. Like the guy pauses between every second word. And then Will joined Facebook (more on this later), and we surfed around looking at people. He made comments about people which didn't seem like a 'Will thing' to say. Like Shallow things. *sigh* Like... ugh. About people I know. >.> But I didn't say anything. Then he went home at 11:15pm.
And then at like 2am I got really sick. Like my body started shivering uncontrollably, just like last week. So I went to bed and wrapped myself up as tight as I could but ..ugh. I was just so sick I couldn't sleep and when i did, my dreams were severly impaired. And now today I'm coughing really hard. It must be aids. or cancer. :D sweet.
And then today my mom took the last two puppies to the pet store because no one has been calling about them. So that makes me sad. :( Pet stores make me sad. 'cause I know how pet stores work... and they are just horrible places. I hope the puppies find homes soon. :'(
And yeah so EVERY day for the past week Derrick has bugged me to come to Jesus camp friday. So I will. I'll shave off my goatee and get dolled up and go succumb to will of the lord. LOLz ACTUALLY, i think the youngin's want to go drinking. Or something. I dunno. I'm still... freaked at myself, so I dunno if I'll join in the fun and games. heh BUT then again it is 4/20.... .......... dotdotdot ... LOLz.
And yeah... so Facebook is spreading like your moms legs. Everyones getting in there. LOL I signed up months ago and now it's a big thing... ugh. everyones signing up. ... I like that it's structured around groups/regions/actual connections, and it's harder to add total strangers. ...but it's another social site. So... yeah. I dunno. MEH.
B went out clubbin yesterday. With lime green nailpolish. Yeah, I just thought I'd make a note of that to look back on and... giggle at. LOL. She sounded like ... freaked out that she was dressed all girly and stuff. hahaha. cute.
Yup. Short update my ass. Anything else... umm.... some guys came and cut down our front-yard tree. :( I thought the tree was pretty but nooooo it had to go. Shitty. meh, boring.