don't bother me, i'm blogging...

Feb 10, 2006 13:20

  • obviously, GO STEELERS!.
  • that rad view of downtown from the Hot Metal Bridge (yes out-of-towners, that's its real name. behold the power)
  • Pitchfork's latest Puritan Blister - wherein a boy admits that he is in an abusive relationship with his iPod. like 9 1/2 Weeks, but without the strawberries.
  • quitting smoking is going in fits and spurts, but still better than getting to gym on a daily basis - other than while watching the SuperBowl™, i've had no more than 5 cigarettes on the occasions i've slipped off the wagon. it's now very strange - and in fact somewhat uncomfortable - to go to some place like the Upstage, where there are cigarettes everywhere. also, somewhat ironically, i feel in worse physical shape than i did when smoking a pack a day...
  • i have no motivation, attention span, or creativity, and haven't for the past few weeks. this is incredibly bad, as i've slipped a number of deadlines, missed out on a few free advertising opportunities, and have had to turn down a load of projects due to existing commitments. i suspect this might have something to do with the above.

    PS. yes i'm listening to FallOut Boy. shut up.
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