SWAG 2 : Rock Posters of the '90s and Beyond is on the shelves at a bookstore near you. i have 6 posters and 3 pages at the end of the book. if you need legitimate reasons to purchase it, let it be known that Jeff Kleinsmith and Tara McPherson have pretty expansive spreads in there, among other badasses. wh00t. now if only i can figure out how to get a copy of elusive
book #41, which apparently is only distributed in Asia. =/
in other news...
Mr. Kevin "caihomin seamus O'" Meehan has contacted me via email. he lives, and has the expected story of scandal and fast times to explain his disappearance over 4 years ago. no, he did not opt to walk the earth like Kane in Kung-Fu.
the new radiator has arrived. Fiorella II will be back to acceptable operating status on friday, just in time for a family reunion.
new website and url coming soon, or rather after i get a solid amount of work done on a certain freelance project with rapier1.
VIZ is hiring2, particularly for our Info Design group3. see pittsburgh for more info...
i'm sorely tempted to revert my hairstyle back to a mohawk or fauxhawk. management at work (including a certain General) has said they could care less what i do, short of "sparking a joint in the hallway", so it's pretty much down to a judgement call as to whether i'm now officially Too Old For This Shit.
1. the other two being The Art of Modern Rock, and Panda Meat : Sourcebook 1. i'm not bragging, i'm just still trying to gain the respect of certain college professors who told me i was only capable of fucking off...
2. select "PA - Pittsburgh". you know you wanna move (back) here. it's cheap. and we have pierogies. and beer. and the Steelers.
3. do you crave usability and order in your software interfaces? do you have a decent eye for minimalist/futurist aesthetics? think Raymond Loewy is the Ultimate Badass? then take the time to fill out the ResumeWare dealie on the site...