Winner of best dressed female
winner of best dressed male
A group photo of people from around the hotel
Chris and one of the chefs whose name i dont know because i never work with him, but hes cool
Clive and Rachel and Jade looking like mongs
Ernst and Asif
Ernst the chef
Guy and Rachel
Helen and Maria
Helen, Colin and Lisette
The Meetings and Events Team (the people i work with, im squished onto the left)
My workmates dancing
Maria and Lisa
Me and Maria
Maria and my supervisors (the second from the right won employee of the year and is leaving us for the restaurant, thank god)
Me and Helen
Maria decided to pick me up, she did it to a few of us that are small hehe. This is me, Maria, Lisette and Helen
Another Rachel
Tessa, Maria and some guy
These mongs were the entertainment...