Jun 22, 2004 23:17
today was fun i slept all day, well at least till 1.
yesterday deanna and i went to help out at the vacation bible school we carried all these stupid bricks that said "jesus"
and there were lots of annoying kids but i didnt mind. i tried to burn down the church........kinda not really.
i kept telling deanna that jesus was mad at her and she got mad. it was funny...........to me. deanna and torin really like each other so im happy for them. ummm..... i was joking and i told deanna that torin didnt like her. you see i got "jesus" and torin mixed up and i said " torin doesnt like you" she asked when he said this and i said "he told me at the last supper" and she believed me. but little did she know that i was talking about jesus.
yeah............kenny has a small penis.........he told us
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww......................? it was gross