The Tufts Daily has an article out titled, “
Tufts Sexual Assault Policy Under Scrutiny” where one paragraph stood out to me.
At Tufts specifically, 13 cases were brought forward over this time period [2003-2008]. Of these cases, one resulted in suspension, two were dismissed at the hearing stage because of a lack of evidence, and the remaining ten cases were settled through mediation or stay−away orders, according to Dean of Student Affairs Bruce Reitman.
It’s hurtful enough that I felt left out and ignored because I am a black woman who was raped. I am tired of the implications that I was not a part of their community. I guess since Bruce Reitman believes that I am “crazy” my rape was not important enough to include in their statistics.
I want to make this clear: there was no mediation after I reported, there were no stay-away orders, we did not even GET to the hearing stage, and my perpetrator got away with absolutely no punishment.
I met with Dean Reitman who said I could file my complaint, only to be told when I handed it in, they were going to mull over whether we should go to the next time towards a judicial hearing. Meaning:
- I went through the emotional trauma of revamping what happened to me in graphic detail and the emotional repercussions of the domestic and sexual violence I had endured over the span of two years.
- They sent that copy RIGHT TO MY ABUSER to initiate the judicial disciplinary process
- Veronica Carter calls me to my office right away saying that their legal team were going to see if it was legal to investigate my case and go forward with it.
Just so you know: it is legal. It actually is mandatory for schools to investigate claims of sexual assault and to remedy them. Well, the school did NOT remedy in any way and once again I was slapped in the face (unfortunately among the first of many proverbial slaps from the university).
I am tired of being ignored and pushed aside. I am tired of being told that I was not a valuable part of the community (or a part of it at all), which is why nothing was done or why it was not recognized.
The university is well aware of their personal wrong doings towards me and they still choice to do NOTHING about it when I told them. My years of abuse were dwindled down to a “described incident” and I was urged to go to another university near home.
Originally published at
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