oh yeah, i;m a punk rocker yeah.
are those my fucking devil horns??? YES THEY FUCKING ARE. he stopped LONGVIEW and told me to throw them up. and he threw them back too. mmmmmm billie sweat....mmmmm mmmm goooood. -not a stalker-
this pic again, since i love it. wake me up man.
i love this too, SOMEONE was excited to play longview!!
oh yeah billie. take it off.
wow. i just died. and mind fucked billie
*american idiot*
i dont care if you dont!
shout! again!
king for a day, whore for a week (i think this was the point where i tried to throw my bra onstage, but it got caught on my shirt, then a thread was still caught and i tried to throw it, but hit a gaurd haha)
here comes the rain again falling from the stars
Tre and Mike (in unison): yeah! it is! *shifty looks*
drink bunny drink!
yeah....you know i see you.
thats it. not zoom. on the gate, ribs fucking hurt, but it kicked balls!!!! (in a good way) i dont feel like going into detail, pictures are enough right?
p.s. i got my computed back, except updates more than once every fucking like 6 months.