Aug 14, 2004 21:43
Well, I think I am the only loser in this town sitting home on a Saturday night.
My mother can be blamed for that.
So since I am so incredibly bored, I decided to make a little top ten list.
Top Ten List Of...
Things That Really Piss Ryan-O Off:
1. This is a broad statement, but I don't feel like going into detail. The number one thing that pisses me off is females.
2. As most of you can tell if you read my last post, I am not a big fan of school or anything school-related.
3. Okay. Closing out the top three would have to be none other than good ol' Easton, PA.
4. Alright, let's make number four short and sweet. I hope some of you will agree with me on this. Young and loud children really piss me off.
5. Hmm, number five is kind of in the middle of things that really piss me off and things that sort of just anger me. However, this really pisses me off. Here we go. Unreliable people should be stabbed in the face with a saudering iron.
6. Well, number six goes out to all of you people that choose to refer to me as "buddy". The next person to say "How ya doin' buddy?" to me may receive a swift kick to the genitals. I am not a four year old with tourettes. You can choose from either "Dude", "Man", "Bro" or anything your little heart desires besides "Buddy". Thank you.
7. I have come to the graphic realization that no matter what I do, I will always despise any form of work. Fortunately, my job right now is semi-entertaining.
8. I may have already covered this in my broad number one, but hyper people(Especially Girls) kind of piss me off. It's okay if it's sporadic, but some people are always hyper/childish/immature/grow up you're not in Elementary School anymore.
9. This really bothers me, but I try not to think about it because it doesn't really affect me at this point in time. However, I think not being good at anything will really affect me later in life.
10. Well, being I am at a lack for one more thing that pisses me off, I will bring up my current situation, considering it happens quite often and it really bothers me. Sitting home alone on a perfectly good summer night really gets me angry.
My apologies, that list was terrible. The thing is that those are all things that piss me off. I could make a nonchalant list of humorous things that would give you all a chuckle, but that's not what it was meant for.
If anybody would like to teach me how to play synthesizer, I would love you forever. :)