- 08:54 As I can tell I was rubbed by the rider behind me, nudged into oncoming traffic, dodged the car & hit the guardrail. Again I'm fine. #
- 08:59 I saw that the Spyder problaby Wouldn't brake in time so I stood up on the pegs braking hard. I went over the bars & rail lading on my feet. #
- 09:01 @ FrankVanRad There were 10 bikes being demoed at the time, When it happened I didn't know, afterwards other said the guy was tailgaiting me #
- 09:03 @ FrankVanRad and the rubber mark on my bikes license plate supports this. #
- 09:21 Disney to buy Marvel. I hope an influence firewall is contracted in otherwise good buy Marvel Max and other non kiddie friendly titles. #
- 09:23 good bye obviously, bad buy if there is not a firewall of executive dictates... #
- 16:04 @ baratunde Markup on cables is the highest % of anything in a electronics shop they get them for $8 and sell them for $80.
#justsoyouknow #
17:23 Someone took a post out of context
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