Oct 03, 2004 19:31
Hey tiffers. Well, we're back from our exciting "Fall tour", and I have the sniffles to prove it. Although musical amenities were close by in the roundhouse, sleeping there was a nightmare. Listening to Brandon playing that one riff of that one Christian rock song over and over again, the lack of privacy, the snoring, and the coldness, (at least compared with other heated sleeping quarters) made being able to rock out 24/7 really not that enjoyable. My voice got hoarse rocking out 1/24, much less 24/24.
Our show was ... just okay. For starters, the organizers cut down our set to two songs. In light of the fact that we didn't have a "Hypnotize" cover prepared, and that "Because of You" still has some kinks, we instead played a "Stacy's Mom" cover (which got a good audience response) and "Diamond v. 2.0", an extended version of "Diamond".
What else do you need to know? That this was recorded with a good camera this year. The video will be up tomorrow or Wednesday, depending on how easy it'll be to send to Norris.
In addition, the album version of "Diamond" will be up as soon as I get my voice back. More updates in the upcoming month! Adios!
brandon chang,