Title: Falling Without a Parachute
musegaarid Rating: R/NC-17
Summary: James Bond is having a hell of a time in his most controversial adventure.
http://musegaarid.livejournal.com/8457.html I never even had the faintest notion that there might be a James Bond/Crowley fic out there and that it would be both an exceptionally hot lemon AND a really good Bond story just blew me away. Bond and Crowley meet on a train and then there are explosions, and betrayals, and vintage Bentleys, and expensive meals with no reservations needed, and an ending that just made me melt.
Title: It's Rain
Artist: Catizza
http://catizza.deviantart.com/art/Good-Omens-It-s-Rain-191352911?q=&qo= I love this picture of Az & Crowley! Az is so into his book that he doesn't notice things like an approaching storm so it's good that he has Crowley around.
Title: Aggressive
Author: Hopie-cat
http://hopie-cat.deviantart.com/art/03-aggressive-go-ca-195097679 Short one shot pointing out why it's not healthy to threaten Aziriphale.