Happy 161th Birthday to Kenshin!
And since I may not post again so soon happy Solstice tomorrow everyone!
Absolutely hilarious Count Cain fic (Yes, I know! Humor in THAT fandom?):
www.fanfiction.net/s/1587363/1/My_Sexy_Butler# Poor Riff.
Is Kurama gay? Yusuke wants to know.
www.fanfiction.net/s/4663509/1/Am_I_what 30+ hours worth of live concert recordings from Bonnaroo Festival
www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=127088792 There's Garage Rock, Punk, Reggae, Country, Blue Grass, Pop, Heavy Metal, and Lord only knows what else. I've only managed to get through about 8 over the past week but I'm looking forward to sampling the rest.
Eastern dragon & Western dragon meet. Result: total win