the brain is a terrible place to be

Oct 01, 2015 10:30

My social anxiety is up. The freaky thing about it is it seems more focused on social media than on actual physical interaction. My actual physical interaction with people is fine. Granted, I don't do it much but I've established a regular monthly game day with my friends. Although, come to think of it, besides work -which has it's own stressors- that's the only time I interact with people outside of those I live with. But! I do go out and do things, alone even.

My next head doctor appointment isn't until the end of next month. I'm thinking about asking for an anti-anxiety med. I hate taking a bunch of drugs, but the abilify is doing so good for me it makes me think adding something else might be okay. I don't know. How do normal people feel and think? I know, I know, no one is 'normal'.

I've been writing a bit. Just clearing out and cleaning up old stuff. No new ideas unfortunately. It's been a struggle to get words on paper, but I really want to finish up this particular piece I'm working on. It's been so long since I've posted anything with any kind of length.
nelle816 helped me with some of the writers block I've been experiencing so hopefully it will finish up sooner rather than later.

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