it's like a key smash

Jun 15, 2014 08:28

I really do like my job (the full time one) but some shit drives me right round the twist. Like the fact that my lead, who is a nice person and not any kind of problem to work with, turns into an I don't even know what when it comes to me wanting/needing time off. I mean seriously, when I started I told her I had to have two specific Saturday's off every year; Free Comic Book Day and the Saturday of the weekend I go to PlanetComicon. PlanetComicon weekend went fine, but when it came to FCBD she got all cagey with the 'oh, I don't know, my husband might have to be out of town that weekend and childcare is an issue and the fill-in might be promised to another department, blah, blah, blah.' (note the 'mights' in that sentence) Mind you, this was three weeks in fucking advance.

So, when I ran into the manager of our fill-in person, I asked him if she was available and he was all 'sure, not a problem, have fun on FCBD'. Then, when I let my lead know all was taken care of, she apparently flipped shit about me going behind her back and she was going to take care of it what the hell was I thinking. What I was thinking was it was now two weeks out and I needed to cover my shift and damned if I was gonna wait around for someone else to do it when I had the opportunity to take care of it. Plus the more last minute it became the less chance I would have of getting the day off, duh.

Then, a couple weeks ago on a Monday she asks me if I can cover that Friday for her so she can take a personal day cos she's feeling burnt out. I boggled and prevaricated and told her I'd have to check with the other department I work in (I share my time between two departments) Then I remembered I was going out to a show with my brother and would be out late Thursday night and no way was I gonna wanna be up at 3am after that. So, I told her I couldn't, sighting being needed in the other department (figuring work conflict was a better excuse than personal time conflict)

Good freaking Gods did she get all fucking bent outta shape and brought upper management into it and we had a meeting and it was fucking stupid. She thought I said yes to begin with and then backed out due to pressure from the other department. What fucking ever. She seriously needs to get over her butt-hurt and grow up. She acts like a spoiled little kid when it comes to the schedule. She claims the other department gets all my time (the schedule is written a month out there and she doesn't write a schedule at all, granted it's only the two of us, but still) I work the same days in the same departments every week. What the actual fuck.

Look, I was (still am I suppose) a single parent I understand child care issues, but fuck lady, stop playing that card. You have a husband and between the two of you I know you make more than enough to afford a babysitter or daycare. Gods, she drives me nuts sometimes. No one ever taught her to play well with others I suppose.

Gah, I'm done with it. Changing the subject now.

I'm jonesing for my next tattoo. I'm thinking either Captain America's shield or the Star Fleet communicator badge. I can't find an image of the badge I like tho and I can't decide between Cap's classic shield or the current round one. First world problems, right? :D I will have both eventually, it's just which one first. I even know where I'm gonna put them, on my knee. Not the kneecap, but on the flat next to it, on the inside so the images will face each other, like my ducks. I get a bonus check in a couple three weeks and I'm sure I can spare the $80 from it for one. Or maybe I'll start work on the pieces I want on my thighs, excerpts from Leaves of Grass on one and Song of Solomon on the other. The sexy bits :P

Here it is the middle of June and I finally got off my ass and cleaned up my back garden. It was all stacked up empty pots and the hose and deck chairs scattered about in a mess. I got it all cleaned up and the flower boxes planted and empty pots cleared away. It looks a million times better. More like a place I could have people over too and less like 'don't look out there!'

Speaking of the middle of June. I have a wedding to go to the first week of August and I want to loose (or at least rearrange) some weight. Not to mention I'm supposed to cut my sugar and fat intake cos of the damn triglyceride thingy. The crux of it is I have no motivation and no idea what the hell I should do. I want to eat healthy and not snack constantly but it's hard. Snack cakes and potato chips taunt me on a regular basis and did you know there's Reese's peanut butter Oreo's out right now? My life is so hard *dramatic sigh*

Related: I'm thinking of taking up yoga. I blame the slew of fics I've read recently where Cas does yoga (this series in particular) also, I wanna take up kickboxing. So I can beat the shit outta something mostly. Both promote a healthy lifestyle.

The Man's band finished their album: Fanfiction and there's a video:

image Click to view

The Man, my brother and sister-in-law are all in it, which is kinda cool in that 'I know people in a music video' way. It's as cool as my one degree of separation from Kevin Bacon. (The Man's band has played with Kevin Bacon's band and loaned them some equipment)

I'm foregoing a question this week. Human interaction was too much work (yes that includes online social media) and this post is as good as it gets. Monday makes a new start, so we'll see how it goes.


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rambling, music, bitchin_and_moanin

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