A fantastic weekend was had :D
nelle816 T and I had a fabulous Friday night, if I may say so. We went to the Taste of Omaha (a food event featuring local restaurants) and ate everything. And talked all night, of course. And saw fire spinning, which reminds me, I have to get those pictures off my phone and over to nelle816 some how. (she stole my phone!) I suppose e-mail would work *thinks it over* Yes, it is a smart phone, email will work.
There was another thing, I'm sure . . . Eh, whatever
I didn't do a question last week, so here we go If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven't you told them yet?
I tell my kid and my partner I love them every day. I tell my mom regularly as well. My relationship with my brother is getting better. So, I don't know if it's words I'd regret not sharing, more like things I think I ought to have done.
My step-dad (who is my dad in everything but blood) and I haven't spoke in years and not for any reason beyond laziness on my side. I sent him a Christmas card several years ago and was so freaked out by the fact I got one back I couldn't open it for weeks and therefore missed the invitation I was extended to an open house by him and his new wife. I suppose I really regret that.
I find it very hard to reach out, to anyone really. If any one who knows me were to give it some thought, they'd all realize it usually takes them initiating the conversation to hear from me. That includes family. I can be very insular. I have some kind of nebulous halo of anxiety surrounding the idea of talking with people.
Strangely enough tho, I want friends. (ok, that's not strange, I know, humanity isn't made to live in an isolated vacuum. we thrive with interpersonal relationships, I just find it hard to reconcile the fact I want people and at the same time want to be alone to peruse my own hobbies with no interruption cos people are annoying and needy. humans, we make so much sense. not) I love long rambling discourses that cover all the topics, but at the same time, find it hard to reach outside myself to get that. Mostly cos I want it on my terms and schedule but am well socialized enough to know that's not how the world works and I have this streak of not wanting to be a bother so I rarely do the 'me! me! pick me!' sort of thing.
Well, ok, this turned into more of a deep thing than I anticipated. I'm gonna go bury my head in the sand and console myself that few people read this, so I'm cool.
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