And now I've the chorus of a song I don't remember in my head. Do certain words and phrases produce a cascade of images, song lyrics, movie quotes, story bits and bobs, in your brain too? Happens to me all the time, most of the time it's not even anything I can really pin down, just the jumble of feelings and images it evokes.
Uh, yeah, there was something til I went off on a subject line induced tangent.
Ah, that's right, Person of Interest, (the tv show). I love it, Finch and Reese and Fusco and of course Bear are fantastic. I even came to accept that total wtf outta left field thing where they tried to make us think Reese and Carter coulda/woulda had a romantic relationship. It's been months since I've watched though.
It's because I loath Root with a fiery passion. Never before has one single character ruined an entire show for me. I can't even pinpoint why. Maybe it's the blasé way she's allowed to come and go. I'm sorry, can anyone say Mary Sue much? For fucks sake, she tried to kill them all. She's poorly written and even I, the grand arch duke of hand-waving, can't hand-wave away her absolute implausibility. Don't even bring up the whole we need powerful women in tv shows to defend her either, we had that with Joss Carter and she got killed off. Root is just a poorly written deus ex machina imho.
I wanna know where the show takes the whole multitudes of semi-aware AI's but I can't bring myself to watch anymore. As soon as Root appears on screen, off goes the episode. I gotta find a good recap place for it. Maybe they'll kill her off and I can start watching again next season.
I just had to get that off my chest. It's never happened to me before and it bugs the shit outta me. Way to ruin a good show CBS.
Here, watch this to cheer up/stop being annoyed at me/the tv/the world. Hell just giggle at the piranhas.
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