So, I re-organized my comic collection over the weekend. I have 48 short boxes full of books. That's something like 15,000 comics. That's kinda a lot. Not to mention all the manga and trades I've got piled up on my shelves. I saw a t-shirt once that said 'comic collecting is like sex, except there's no orgasm to let you know when to stop'.
It was pretty satisfying to get it all sorted and filed and see what I have and what I'm missing. I only need a few books to finish off my complete runs of Authority and Stormwatch and some thing like a hundred complete my run of Iron Man. Then I'll tackle my Teen Titans runs.
Now that's an annoying title to work out which issues you need. It's started over so many times and with so many variations on Titans, Teen Titans, Adventures of the Teen Titans, some times in the same year! Also, I haven't decided how far back to go with them, it can get expensive if I go back to the 60's for the Brave and Bold appearances. Eh, that's a ways off though, I need to finish my Iron Man run first.
Good thing I work in a comic shop. :D
Speaking of comics, I read the first two trades for the new Tim Seely book, Revival. I loved his Hack/Slash (a take on the slasher genre of film) and I'm not disappointed at all by Revival. It's a sort of zombie book I suppose. It's set in a little town in Wisconsin were one day all the recently dead people were alive again. Just normal alive. Like go back to work, resume where they left off alive.
It sets of a national shitstorm of course. Is it the rapture? is it a disease? The area gets quarantined and the CDC comes in and the religious zealots are camped out on the borders. The story is focusing on a local deputy, her sister -who it turns out was murdered and she came back as one of the revivers but didn't tell anyone- and the weird shit the revivers are starting to do.
I'm looking forward to where the story goes. I read so much and there are only so many types of plots, I like when I can't tell right off where the whole thing is heading. I have theories (bunnies!!) of course :D, but no idea what the end could be.
I swear I was thinking of something else to post about, but right now all I can think is how damn tired I am. I slept very well last night. I didn't wake up once, which is unusual to put it mildly, but here it us only 9pm and I'm more than ready to go to bed. I wonder if I can get a repeat of last night's sleep? It'd be pretty cool, especially since I don't have to get up til 7am tomorrow. (that's sleeping in two whole hours! lol)
Oh! Saturday morning, since I was awake already, I went out with The Man to take sunrise pictures. I posted a couple on my twitter they came out pretty good I thought. I'm impressed with my new phone's camera any way. I don't think I'll ever not feel that digital photography isn't some kind of cheat, but I do like the ease and instant gratification.
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