in a way, I do like monday

Apr 22, 2013 05:43

I like the start of things. Monday, being the start of the week for me, means a fresh start at tackling all life's niggling little bits. However, it's dead easy for me to put things off til a monday with the excuse that it's easier/better to start things on a beginning day.

Any who, I spent most of last week sick and it sucked. And it wasn't even the good kind of sick where you can lay around in bed and be miserable, oh no, it's the kind were you're well enough to go on with your daily life, just feeling like crap while you do it. (look, I know I'm very lucky not to get knocked down ill, but it'd be nice not to have to carry on while sick)

I got fuck-all done last week as a result. No housework, no flist, no twitter, and thanks to the low grade headache practically no tv was watched either. (gods, when laid out like that my life is pretty pathetic) I actually cancelled a couple different sets of plans so I could lay around and be miserable. I went to work every day though, so I got that going for me.

I think maybe if I did get sick, sick I wouldn't feel like I was shirking my duties as it were. Like mild persistent nausea, muscle aches and a constant low grade headache don't qualify as good enough reason to skip the heavy lifting so to speak. Cos, I can work through it, I just don't want to and it makes me feel like I'm using it as an excuse to be lazy.

And that is enough of analyzing my guilt complex for today.

On happy news, I think my muse is back, sort of. I finally got edits done on a re-worked story and posted it to AO3. It's the Gimme a Double universe stuff. I have wanted to clean the stories up and post them on AO3 for some time so I could get the Leverage audience (the only Leverage fic lj comm I know of doesn't take anything with rpf so I always felt I was missing a chunk of readers who might like it) just been stalled out on the drive to get it done. I'm very pleased with myself that I got the first one finished. (it's right here and it got 32 hits in twelve hours, how's that for stroking my ego :D) Now to get the next one re-worked and re-edited in a reasonable time frame.

I owe nelle816 words too. We're co-writing an original character thing inspired by Kane's 'Let Me Go'. It's quite lovely if I do say so myself :) (I've got the words rattling round in my head, bb. Just need to get them down. I got distracted by the editing yesterday and never cracked a new document. I plan on getting it typed up this afternoon after work.)

Oh! in my computer woes news, I have a new hand-me-down computer! I haven't gotten it all hooked up yet, but soon, soon I will have a larger screen and a mouse that works right and even possibly, I won't hold my breath, better connectivity! Isn't that exciting?

Today's PSA: Free Comic Book Day is coming up on saturday May 4, has every one found a local shop to grace with their patronage? And don't say comics aren't for you, cos I'm sure there's something you'd like out there. Hell, tv fandoms that have continuing cannon in comics include, Arrow, Buffy, Angel, Smallville and coming soon are X-Files and Grimm. And that's just what I can remember out of the ones I read. (okay, no I don't read Smallville, but I see it every week cos DC is in the front half of our new comic display at work)

I will be getting caught up with my flist and comments, I swear. I like having conversations with ya'll (that's why we follow each other in the first place ain't it?) So, that's my goal for today. Get down the bits of the story for nelle816 and catch up on my flist. That's doable, right?

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comics, writing, bitchin_and_moanin

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