Good gods, last week sucked like whoa. I was so far out of wack I didn't know if I was coming or going. I hate when my brain chemistry tries to point out how hard it can be to manage without medication. But! this week is going to be better. Why? you ask, well, for starters I'm only working four days. That right there is cause for celebration.
The Boy did great again over the weekend. They took third in their class and then fourth overall I think it was (I've had no sleep so I can't remember my own damn name let alone what places the choir took exactly) I do know it was a top five finish again so that makes a top five in every competition this year. It's a better record than last year and the kids are already talking how next year they are gonna take top three every time.
And that is all she wrote this monday. I seriously haven't had more than like four hours consecutive sleep all week and my brain is bouncing all over inside my head and I'd kill for a spot of even tv style normalcy. So off we go onto a new week with a wink and a prayer that it will work out better than the last.
*headdesk* could I sound more cliche? I swear I loss all my education when I've not had any sleep
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