Feb 18, 2008 13:34
As movies go, I give, in general, the Bourne Trilogy two thumbs up.
Reasons why:
Matt Damon, who's just a awesome actor in general.
Bourne isn't a killing machine who kills everyone who comes after him and kills the one who sent them. He mostly just knocks out a lot of the spuds, kills only the conditioned agents like him (that can't be stopped otherwise), but lets other people or the law take care of the guy that set the whole thing in motion.
Female characters that have depth and intelligence. While there is one that becomes a love interest and dies, that's not all she is. And the two others of note includes a prominent and intelligent CIA official, and a logistics officer that survives through all three movies and (gasp) does *not* become a love interest of Bourne's. Incredible.
Plots that are nothing hugely new and interesting, but certainly watchable.
Your daily required dose of action and stunts without resorting to extreme luck on the part of Bourne.
A bunch of crotchety, arrogant, patriarchal men getting their comeuppance, one movie at a time.
Just saying. Go watch.