Feb 03, 2008 00:12
Had more Krinnz time today.
I got together with people late in the day: these are pretty neat and interesting people that Krinn knows. I'll have to see if I can have opportunity to spend more time with them at a later date - it's not easy because I work the whole 3-11 thing, and I have so many friends to spend time with now...but I can at least keep in contact. Not to mention they have some fascinating interests. They're also close to me, and another cool person lives close to work of my work friends, coincidentally enuff... ;)
Blue Moon City, a game I was introduced to last night, is definitely a game worth replaying (a collect resources for points game with a neat mechanic). Rock Band was something I was shown today...now I get why everyone raves about it. I wonder that I'll get calluses though, from *pretending* to play bass guitar. ;) My fingers are certainly sore, but sore from having fun!
The important thing is, of course, that Krinn rocks, and I have every intention going down to visit him in May when I go to Baycon. Yay, friends are teh awesome!