I've been so bad at updating, and surely a lot has happened since the beginning of May!
-We took 1st in the men's ultra for the cape cod relay. It was a lot of fun :) Made new friends and got quality time with old ones. Since then I haven't done much running.
-We took 6th at volleyball nationals, that was also a lot of fun, though I did have to take periodic breaks to do work.
-Transitioned the league to our new board. Had pride.
-Went to Kevin's wedding in Chestnut Hill and James and Niall's wedding in Waltham. The former's venue had a great view but was a little awkward for the size of the guests. They had a brief church ceremony with a female minister who I liked. The food was terrible. The latter had a tented wedding on a vast lawn, with great food from vegetarian food trucks and great beverages. It rained for the ceremony, but the improvisation was good and we all had a great time. There were 1 million children around. Brad stayed with us for the occasion. I got very upset with Mark because he had a boy over instead of helping me clean, with the possibility of Brad walking in on the whole thing.
-We went to IN for Chris Wartman's wedding. Mark and Mikey got in a huge fight, and he and several cousins briefly got disinvited from the wedding.
-I've played a decent amount of volleyball, mostly outdoors. This often featured Matt and Chris C, Dan and Dietrich as well.
-I submitted an interview for a local company that I was recruited for, for a position that I don't want, with a requested salary bump of 25%. I have been contacted by recruiters left and right. I had been largely unhappy with my job and a feeling of not being appreciated here. The P*ZR contract was not good.
-Got a few lunches with Nadia. Have been depressed thinking about her leaving, and also realizing I will have like no friends left that I regularly see.
-Jay and Jonathan got a baby boy named Porter ?! What?!
-Mom is losing her job and incredibly distraught. I'm very worried about her.
-We've largely packed up the apartment in anticipation of our impending move. We will spend the weekend in Hampton Beach with Nadia, Jae, Jay, Jonathan, YY, and Jen, so there won't be much time left to do things.
-Saw Peter, Tania, and Christine over dinner. I had gone to my former job briefly to work with him the prior week on a publication.
-I threw Mark a very catered BBQ for his bday.
-The company has expanded, with quite a few interns this summer.
EDIT: Kind of upset at myself for letting Mark get me get so anti-James and Niall. The wedding was a reminder of what a great community we had at our previous apartment. I had been feeling left out, and thought that I wasn't invited to be a part of the wedding, but it turned out that Brad was the officiant, explaining his big participation in many weekend events.
EDIT: What about goals? Planning? Vacations? Wedding? I've become remiss.