Snow kidding

Jan 21, 2016 12:04

1/13/16: In the fine traditon of Peter and Jean Willard (who taught us that the best time to go out to eat is during a blizzard), Chad and I ignored the snowstorm and went out for my (slightly belated) birthday dinner last night.

("They went out in a storm?"

"Watson, please. [pause] They went out in a storm?"

This is only funny if you're familiar with the movie "Without A Clue.")

We stuffed ourselves with seafood at The Nook and Cranny and then moved on to Tim Horton's to finish off with honey crullers and coffee. Then we bought a snow shovel and went home, where our kids were having a great time beating the tar out of their intrepid babysitters.

It's still snowing today. Nice and fluffy. The kids requested snow ice cream. It's surprisingly tasty, but even more likely to give you brain freeze than the regular kind of ice cream. Eat with caution.

1/21/16: Went out to put something in the mailbox this morning and discovered said mailbox lying forlornly on its side on our driveway. Bungee-corded it back in place. We'll see if we make it through the winter without having to replace it...last year we went through three of 'em. Dang wing plows.
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