Housebound, No Humboldt

Jan 19, 2008 03:29

This illness has kicked sufficient ass to cancel our planned visit to Humboldt.

If that didn't piss me off enough, I can't even stay asleep long enough to get any sort of break. That probably doesn't bode well for my recovery. While the congestion has largely let up, I now have debilitating bouts of fever and chills. It hurts to stand or walk, so I can't even make myself useful around the apartment or distract myself with a quick excursion.

The Boy can at least get to sleep, but I can tell he doesn't sleep well, which means that the Wife doesn't get to sleep too well, either. I hope the fact that they can sleep at all helps them through this; I think he's had things as bad as I have. I really hope the Wife actually has escaped minimally scathed, and that she doesn't have this awful shit lying in wait for her.

We broke the news to our planned hosts in Humboldt and asked if next weekend would work; they mentioned that they will spend that weekend in Butte County in search of jobs, but that we could visit them there. As Butte County has treated us well in the past, and requires only half the time on the road that Humboldt would, we just might take them up on the offer. We haven't gotten out of the area (trips to Sacramento totally don't count) since the Humboldt hosts' baby shower back in September, and I could certainly use a change of scenery.

humboldt, illness

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