¡Adios, Arcata!

Jul 26, 2007 20:37

The Wife, the Boy, the Cats and I will leave the Shitty Apartment for San Francisco in a month.

No, I didn't score that sweet, elusive rangerly job on the Bay; I do have prospects, but I've developed a superstition about mentioning specific jobs in the journal, so you'll hear when I actually get one. But speaking of getting a job, the Wife did just that: she begins work at my brother's software company down by the Giants' ballpark in September.

The Wife and I can't quite agree on exactly where to make our new home. We'd both love to return to Alameda, just a stone's throw from the Brother,
sbr2004 and
v_zerda in Berkeley and a hop, skip and jump from the In-Laws in Sacramento; but most of my future job prospects lie in San Francisco or points north, not so much in the East Bay. We could live in lovely Marin County, just across the Golden Gate and near to the majority of my employment prospects; but the commute seems too long for the Wife. And we could try San Francisco itself, potentially minimizing commutes both actual and fanciful; but our people actually sound a bit reluctant to visit us in the city, the Wife finds herself generally leary, and San Francisco has a reputation as a mighty "adult" city, with less of interest to the growing Boy.

We may get a month-to-month place wherever the Wife wants until I find work. I might have work down there before it even comes to that. But in any event, it feels great to move on and up. Extraction from Arcata and all things collegiate just might help this whole adulthood thing sink in, even if this area has grown on us like so much mold.

Yes, this feels great :)>

bay area, san francisco, california, moving, humboldt

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