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May 30, 2008 02:34

So, we had a nice surprise on Monday. Someone killed a cat and put it in our yard.

Sanitation finally picked up the cat yesterday. Unfortunately, they left some of the gore and the box we used to cover it up. We poured water and chemicals (Ajax, Lysol, dish soap) on it, so hopefully it will dissolve or go away since the insects and carrion birds don't seem to be doing their jobs. I'm still a little freaked out by the whole thing as the cat was clearly eviscerated like a deer. There was an obvious knife cut directly up its middle. It hadn't been hit by a car or killed by another animal because its body was still mostly intact, besides the guts spilling out. Not to mention it had been dead for some time before being placed in our yard because rigor mortis had come and gone it was already bloated and full of flies when we found it.

Bottom line, is wasn't there when we left for class a little before 11 and it was there when Jamie got back at 12:15. Somebody put it there. I know we didn't just miss it because it was a HUGE cat, and it was directly behind where Jamie parks, surrounded by a rock and a construction stake. Even if she could have somehow not noticed backing over the cat (which is impossible anyway because, like i said, the cat's body was pretty much intact), she definitely would have noticed hitting the huge rock and the construction stake. And, Leana and I left together a few minutes after her. We would have seen the body. It wasn't there. I'm not just bullshitting about this or being an alarmist, and I'm sick of hearing that I am, as are both of my roommates. Come on...would I really get this worked up over something like this if I didn't honestly believe that something was not right?

There's something weird going on, and I don't appreciate it, nor do I appreciate the utter lack of helpfulness I received from the city of Savannah. We found the cat on Memorial Day, so all the government offices were closed except the police and the fire department. I talked to the police, and at first, they wouldn't help at all. They finally sent two patrol officers. One was older, clearly the guy in charge, and he was treating me like some dumb 13 year old with an overactive imagination. The other officer was a little younger, and he seemed to want to investigate it further and ask us questions, but the older cop kept rudely cutting him off and shutting him up. Apparently the police aren't allowed to deal with dead animals, so they called some sort of on-call sanitation department person, who said someone was coming to pick it up. Strangely enough, no one showed.

Tuesday, I called the sanitation department, and there was no answer. So I called Animal Control (seemed logical to me), but apparently they're "not equipped" to deal with dead animals. They referred me back to sanitation. After 3 MORE CALLS to the sanitation department, I finally got them to send someone. That someone did a pretty terrible job of getting rid of it as they left most of the guts, part of the tail (which had rotted off after sitting for 48 hours in 90 degree weather), and the gore-soaked box we used to cover it up to help with the smell. Good job sanitizing, sanitation department. I hate this stupid town.

Needless to say, I'm a little worried about Leana being here by herself if we have some psycho putting eviscerated cats in our yard, especially since she'll pretty much be the only person living on this block this summer. Not to mention she never remembers to lock the door and is one of the most oblivious people I have ever met in my entire life.  I just have a bad feeling about this whole situation.
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