What is it...

Dec 01, 2007 09:17

...about this that weirds me out?

It's a light-up holographic nativity scene you can put on your lawn (price reduced for clearance, now only 30 bucks). I can't quite figure out why it bugs me; probably something to do with the odd paradoxical behavior/attitudes of some religious folk and the creepy way companies who manufacture this tacky crap make a buck from it. Or maybe it's just because the thing is cheap and garish and trashy. I dunno.

The other day I was at a holiday bazaar and there was a booth filled with amusing finger puppet magnets made to look like famous folk. A couple of teenaged girls were there with their mom looking at the various puppets, and the mom INSISTED they get the one of Jesus. Like somehow it would be sacriligious to put any finger puppet magnet other than Jesus on their frig. I just can't help but wonder...whatever/whoever God is, would he really give a shit about it?
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