Hi 2015!
Although it's already 5th March, but never too late to say hi.
My 1st entry for 2015.
nothing great. nothing flashy.
just the confused me write about confusing things.
First quarter of 2015 is about to end in a few weeks time.
My thesis still not reach the port yet.
lost in the world of thought.
My heart still waiting. hoping. keep the faith.
for something real to happen.
fail target.
Heart problem.
no excuses.
the blame is always on me.
for not doing it right.
O Allah the Almighty,
Please forgive me.
I can't stop my mind from thinking.
I can't stop my heart from missing.
O Allah the Almighty,
Please guide the confused me.
to keep going.
to stay focus.
O Allah the Almighty,
Please give me strength.
to complete the incomplete.
to stay strong.
Amiin. Amiin. Ya Rabbal 'Alamiin.
Thank you Allah.
I am alive.
I am healthy.
Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. ^_____^