Jan 12, 2013 04:24
On a whim, I popped open my old Gamecube and found... Windwaker. I put the memory card and disc into my Wii... the last save activity was in 2003. Ten years ago! So, why not? I start playing the last incomplete save. Everything feels oddly familiar, like an old pair of shoes.
Gradually, my mind slips to where it was a decade ago. Warm summer days, in between jobs. Nothing to worry about except dungeons, rupees, and Triforce pieces... and a job, but that can come later. So free and open. Plenty of time to pursue any interest that happened my way. But no, those are not times I yearn for.
With little to do and a van that cost too much to drive for non-essential purposes, I started to go a little stir-crazy. Coupled with a recent break-up, I found myself quite depressed and lost with little focus or purpose. Being between jobs and fresh out of school, I was draining my savings, and regrettably, my parents' as well. That was not what I wanted to do; that was not who I wanted to be. Windwaker provided a bit of a distraction. I could forget about where I was and who I was for a little bit; enough to get to the next day.
My mind snaps back to the present. Check my email for work, responsibilities to fulfill. People to talk to, my girlfriend waits for me. I have a purpose and a place in the world again. I may be busy, I may be under more stress, but I am happy.
It's only been an hour since I started playing. The Tower of the Gods can wait for another day... whenever that might be.