(no subject)

Jan 02, 2009 09:46

hello, friends. it's been a while. i have been busy.
so first and foremost, i live in a new apartment. it's on bush and taylor. it's a studio. it's nice. the heater makes a weird clanky noise and even makes noises when i turn it off which is very annoying. i guess i'll get used to it. that's pretty much my only complaint. i have slowly but surely getting things put together. there are still so many boxes. most of therm now i can't unpack without doing something else first. my boxes of books? i have to wait until i get a bookshelf. my dvds? i have to wait until i put up my dvd shelf. etc.
living alone is weird but i am getting used to it. yesterday i had virtually no contact with the outside world at all and i was fine. i was hungover as shit and slept most of the day.
i need to get a computer very badly. and the internet. i can only check email and stuff from work. also curtains and shelves. and a little table thing for me to throw knick-knacks and shit into.
the building and neighborhood are great. i DO miss a lot of the great food places i used to live by. i would have killed for thai house yesterday but felt too shitty to walk all that way. they may have been closed anyway, i don't know.

if you want to send me love letters, mixed tapes, regular letters, chick tracts, etc, my address is:
887 bush st, apt 601
sf ca 94108

i am at work today and totally do not mind at all. it is super dead and i am clearly doing no work. i do have a project but it is just faxing stuff now so i can let the fax machine do most of the heavy lifting on that one.

also, the other really exciting thing is about football. this is the most exciting time of the year for football, despite my beloved niners obviously not making it to the playoffs (again). i can't wait for the games. for posterity's sake, i think it's going to be the carolina panthers and the indidanapolis colts (maybe the steelers) in the superbowl.
my brother and i do a fantasy playoff team every year. the trick is, you cannot pick more than one player from the same team. so if you have the running back of the panthers, you cannot have the wide receiver, too. this exact examply cause much consternation from my brother and me. debating between taking deangelo williams or steve smith was haunting at best.
here is our final team (so you know who to root for):
quarterback- peyton manning, ind
running backs- brandon jacobs, ny; brian westbrook, phi
wide receivers- steve smith, car; larry fitzgerald, az
tight end- heath miller, pitt
kick/punt returner- chris carr, tenn
kicker- jason elam, atl
defensive player- ed reed, bal

happy new year everyone!
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