Dude-- No! It Be Ovah!

Aug 08, 2007 14:55

Yeah, I finished the Honey and Clover 2 OVA thing, and now I'm all sad that it's over because, like, it turned into one of my favorite series. Well, DAMN! D: But, I've started on a new series now, actually, called Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, and I'm on episode 5/26 now. It's hilarious! xD -gigglesnort- Kamina acts like I do after I drink RC Cola! O: So, when I emailed
ultror last night, I sounded like I was...Kamina~! -dies- Bwahahahaaa~! Fear my youthful and overly loud vocalizations! o◘o~!!! And...yeah. xD

So, this entry is completely useless besides the fact that I've started watching a new anime. Ummm...OH! Well, I guess I could just ask, huh?

ANYONE HERE GOT A GAIAONLINE ACCOUNT?! xD Tell me please! I be a lonely soul! ;_;

gurren lagann, honey and clover, gaia

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