Jun 18, 2010 13:07
I rediscovered my livejournal today. Looking back over these entries makes me smile. How much has changed, yet still, how much is the same.
My previously-posted confusion about the direction of my life has been resolved somewhat. I've spent the last two years working as the Education and Outreach Manager for the Windsor Symphony Orchestra (no, that was not on my list of options). I've learned a completely new set of skills. I've been through several relationships and feel I've grown up in my emotions considerably. I wrote the September 2009 sitting of the LSAT and successfully applied to law school. I'm moving to Kingston at the end of this summer and will be starting at Queen's in September! Next year is going to be an adjustment, I think.
I'm quite excited, actually. Although change brings with it a familiar terror of the unknown (and a hint of anxiety about being lonely), I think many of the changes will be positive ones. I have a bright and beautiful apartment in Kingston to call home. I am going to challenge my mind to expand. I will be able to *finally* quit the tedious job of church musician and be able to focus exclusively on my studies--something I've never been able to do. Kingston has enough character to furnish entire novels, and I'm already in love with the tea-shops and bakeries and bookstores that together make up its downtown.
Now to figure out financing...