I'm a Junior

May 24, 2006 13:46

That's right!
I, Randy Bush, have undergone the magical metamorphosis from peon to upperclassman. and i have doen it a full 24 hourse before you. how you might ask? Well i get the extream pleasure of attending the Odessey of the mind World finals in Amea, Iowa (that's right iowa baby!) from may 24-28. But since my team is all seniors and me, they chose to graduate and go up a day late (which is fine for me,  i would've hated to miss the muffin man's final)
anyway, i had to take two exams early. (spanish and chem) both of which were fine. but man what relief i felt walking out of Mrs. Tuckers class, knowing i didn't have to come back for another couple of monthes. The worry is over! the deadlines gone, the knowledge forgotten, and i don't care. I am about to start the hardest year of IB, but i got a whole summer standing in the way!!!
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