Jul 25, 2004 18:14
1) Your HP nickname: I...am...LAUREN! QUEEN OF THE WIKKER PEOPLE (but I'm that everywhere)
2) Do you write fanfiction: Yes
3) Draw fanart: Yep! And It's awesome!!!
4) Review much: I used to not review. Not that I was bad...it's just I normally stopped reading before it got to that.
5) Read too many fics: Definately
6) Favorite house: Gryffindor
7) Favorite Gryffindor student: Harry
8) Favorite Slytherin student: Pansy...
9) Favorite Ravenclaw student: Luna. She makes me laugh.
10) Favorite Hufflepuff student: There are favorite Hufflepuff students?
11) Favorite teacher: Snape because he is so evil it makes me laugh.
12) Favorite overall character: Harry
13) Favorite adult: Sirius Black
14) Canon/fanon Draco: Neither I mean, dear god.
15) Canon/fanon Snape: Canon. He’s best as Rowling writes him
16) Voldemort or Dumbledore: Dumbledore...I wanna see if there is really a scar of the London Underground on his leg.
17) Cho, annoying or not: I would say that would have to be a definate yes. Very annoying...I thought she was evil!
18) Your OTP: Harry/Hermione The good ship HMS Harmony
19) Other ships you sail: None. There is no other ship for me...although I still see the merits of other ships.
20) Intriguing ships: I find R/Hr ships very intriguing...mostly because it's based on the idea that they are both into mutual abuse.
21) Underimpressive ships to me: Draco/Hermione especially now that JK sank the ship.
22) Hated ships: Ummm...Deep inside I don't like the idea of R/Hr...but it's because of their wellbeing.
23) Het, slash or femmeslash: Het and nothing else
24) H/Hr or R/Hr: Have I not made this obvious???? Harry and Hermione!!!!! (I'll leave that as I found it)
25) D/Hr or D/G: GAAAAHHHH! Neither! The Wha?
26) H/D or H/SS: The wha? Wha?
27) Older gen, younger gen or cross-gen: What? Who cares?
28) Canon or AU: Canon. This is true for everything that I read.
29) Fluff or angst: I'd rather fluff.
30) Darkfic: Meh.... (I agree)
31) OOC or IC: IC duh. Who the hell likes OOC???? (I dispise OOC!)
32) SuddenlyVeryPowerful!Harry: Not if it doesn't have explination. Anything can work if you have the right reasons.
33) One-shot or chaptered: Either.
34) Novel-length: Yes. In most cases I like something with a bit of meat and potatoes.
35) Gen, het or slash: What does gen mean?
36) Drabbles: yes, if they are good
37) SuddenlyVerySexy!Draco: No. Dead!Draco? Yes.(LOL and I can't agree more)
38) Fanfiction Pet Peeves: OOC tops the list, followed by slash of obviously not slash characters. People we can be certain are not gay. Nothing else bothers me.
39) Canon or Fanon: Canon. Always.
40) Many ships in one fic: Horribly unrealistic. I always feel it's service for the person you aren't involving to make sure that the readers are better appeased. I don't make excuses. If it's canon, sure. If it's not. Bite me.
59) Cried for Cedric: No. I didn't know him well enough.
60) Cried for Sirius: Like a baby...but it was more because I was thinking: "Dear god...poor Harry. Nothing is allowed to bring him a measure of peace." Also, I really loved Sirius
61) Dark or Light Side: Light
62) Did the explanation of the prophecy satisfy you: I don't really know if it would be categorized as an explination. I would say that it was more of a diversion.
63) Which character(s) needs some more development: They are kids. They are still developing...therefore...all of them.
64) Favorite artist(s): I would say I don't have one.
65) Favorite drawing style: I like to see people express themselves through art in whatever way they are most comfortable.
66) Love fanart of: Harry and for some reason I love good Marauders stuff.
67) Fanart Pet Peeves: none
68) Stick art: Well...
69) Shiny: Too much computer stuff makes the art crappy. I don't think that the finished computer art looks better than what can be done with pencils and a medium. I'll probably always feel this way.
70) Anime/Manga style: Not one way or another.
71) Realism: What about it?
72) Cartoon: I'm trying to figure out the difference, because there isn't one.
73) Gen or shipped: I still don't know what Gen means.
74) Blaise’s gender: Male. This is not an issue. Catch up, people. JKR cleared it up. (Yes, and we're all better off for it...not that I didn't already know.)
75) Tom Riddle’s eye colour: Red.
76) Luna fan: She makes me laugh but I'm not a fan per-se.
77) OC’s, done or not done: Don't quite know.
78) Liking Weasley ships with ‘Flame’ or ‘Fire’ in the name: Who gives a shit?
79) Weasley love: Not in this lifetime, and I believe that the big happy Weasley family thing is against the laws of goodness and nature.
80) Malfoy love: Ick.
81) Potter love: The books are about him. There is someone else we're supposed to love?
82) Is Lucius really 49: Why does this matter?
83) Brilliant ship name (Don’t need to ship it, though!): I can't think of a single one that I think is all that clever.
84) Plain stupid ship name: they’re all stupid (Here, here!)
85) Voldemort. Bald. Yes or no: hello, all evil people are bald. (You're funny you know that Arya? And also correct.)
86) The power He-Knows-Not and the power that saved Harry is: Love...Okay...LOVE! GEEZ PEOPLE! WHAT ARE YOU? STUPID???
87) Your view on Hufflepuff-ies: Who? What the hell is a Hufflepuff-ie?
88) Should Ron say ‘Bloody Brilliant’ more then once?: Why?
89) Hermione. Pretty. Am I right?: Has to be.
90) Best HP fanfic ever: I'm biased...but I would have to say that would have to be. "Harry Potter and the Acceptance of Fate."
91) Rec the 2nd best, too: Paradaigim of Uncertainty. It was cool.
92) Did HP change your life dramatically: Only as an obsession.
93) Marauders. Like or dislike: I LOVE the Marauders.
94) Prongs, Moony, Padfoot or Wormtail: Padfoot! Yeah!
95) Could Lily have been an animagus too: Nope >Yeah, sure, and she's Hedwig too.<
96) What animal Lily would’ve been: I just told you, she's Hedwig. LOL
97) Did Harry pass his Potions’ O.W.L.s: Yep with flying colors.
98) Did Ron: The way he was acting in OOTP I'm surprised he can drool on his shoes without needing help.
99) Is Harry going to die or will he survive: I can tell you what I want to happen, but these brit writers are awful about this killing the hero thing.
100) What gives you the most warm fuzzies in your stomach in the whole HP-verse: Strangely enough it was when the trio were essentially telling everyone to SOD OFF so that they could get things going at the DOM. We don't need you wuusies. We've got enough right here with H, Hr, and Ron so bugger off! GO YOU GUYS!