oh, FUCK

Jan 13, 2009 18:35

aaw it's been a sad couple of weeks

my brother's cat died :(. 'twas unfortunate in everyway, in that it was drawn out, unpleasant and vastly painful for the poor wee mite. he kept on having blood clots that blocked that blood supply to his back legs. ended up all paralysed and drugged to the gills with heparin and opiates, but after a week of not getting much better but not getting horribly worse he had another more devasting clot and was put down. aaa. it's sad. i hate it when pets die.

and now, bastardos of all bastardos, i have motherfucking cystitis of dooooooom. and if that wasn't enough, i've fucked myself up completely by accidently taken ibuprofen, aspirin and cranberry sachets all at the same time. all are sadly GI irritant. i think i may vomit blood. in my defence, the aspirin was combined with paracetamol, and i really just needed some fucking paaaain relief. oh dear. not registered with a doctor up here, so going to have to run away from rheumatology early tomorrow and do so. 'cos really, it's not sodding getting better and i really don't fancy another bout of pyelonephritis. although, having said that, i did loose a stone the last time i had it. ho hum

but i suppose there are two excellent things keeper my pecker up as it were...

1. mighty boosh on friday woot woot

2. merriweather post pavilion. don't know if anyone else has heard animal collective's new 'un yet, but even if you don't like the music have a peek at the album art. it maketh me happy.
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