ooh dear. I think I might have caught the fear. Am stressed. I think. No, I definitely am. Panic!
exams on monday and tuesday. Currently finishing up GP block in aberdeen. This involves lengthy (8.45 'til 5 today) tutorial sessions, which are basically FUCKING POINTLESS.
Spent about 2 hours having to discuss 'difficult situations'. So, for example, may have encountered breaking of bad news on placement. Cue 30 minutes discussion of why this was difficult. Fucking hell. It's bad news. People don't enjoy bad news. That's why it's difficult. Twenty billion buzzwords later I was thinking about forcing some kind of ill health upon myself to escape. Think if I occluded both of my carotid arteries with my thumbs I would eventually pass out. Might be quite painful though. And, you know. Probably not a great idea to starve brain of oxygen just to get out of a shitty tutorial. We sort of continued in this vein, moving from bad news to confidentiality issues, to what happens if your patient is a lesbo (I don't understand why this was discussed either. Why the fuck would that be an issue? Ever? Ever ever EVER? Maybe if there was a specific girl sex problem, but frankly you'd just deal with it the way you'd deal with any sex problem. Chrrrrist).
Sort of sitting there thinking, shit. I would really like to go and revise now, please.
Why I am now ranting about this on lj and not actually revising is...er...awww fucking hell.
I'm stressed. Pathetically so. sob sob. sigh.
Doctor leading tutorial today was a cunt. A genuine, motherfucking cunt. Had a bitch about female doctors being a waste of taxpayer's money. He also told us a charming story about the time he told a patient that he couldn't prescribe her what she needed, because what she needed was a MAN. Because clearly women need men to be healthy. OH FUCKING HELL.
I'm thinking about complaining to the GMC. He's retired, though. but jesus. What a fucker. I haven't been so horrified by cunty male doctors (the term 'paternalistic' really cannot be overused for twats like that) for a long time.
Maybe this is why I'm particularly stressed today. Fucking misogynist.
But sigh. What can you do. Tomorrow, we are analysing poetry and using it to discuss our GP experiences. This I have high hopes for mwahahahah. OMG, the enjambment really made me think of waiting lists. The caesura here reflects how GP's can housekeep between patients, and also reminds me of the tale of Corrigan's secret door. Is going to be unbelievably twatty. This poetry wank (I love poetry. I loathe medicine. I'm having a hard time reconciling these issues) is replacing the humanities block. Yes. A whole 8 weeks of no medicine all humanities, taught by genuine humanities lecturers, is being replaced with end of block poetry sessions led by hideous unqualified GPs. Who hate women.
Sigh. Right. I'm going to go and learn about placental abruption and placenta praevia. And other placental wank. Yikes. Also might read parts of Ruth Padel's 52 Ways to Read a Poem. Pick up tips for tomorrow. Fuck yeeeaaaah.
Hope it's decent poetry. Probably some shite written by a bored GP. Who hates women. Bastards!!!!!
Anyway. Have some LOVE
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