[For about 24 hours since the end of the flood, there's been nothing but silence from the Rani's room. Then suddenly there's a shriek of inchoate rage, plainly audible to anyone within a two-room radius of Room 7, Level 4, and an awful noise of books, writing instruments, and other odds and ends being swept off a table to crash on the floor. (Not her microscope, though. Even in the midst of a nervous breakdown, she won't damage such valuable equipment.) About half an hour later, the following text journal post is visible.]
stimulation of the amygdala, limbic system variables, neuropeptides, pain/pleasure response, altrustic instinct, counter-evolutionary counter-evolutionary survival strategy doesn't make any sense, no sense
evaluation of state of physiological arousal leading to emotional reaction, biofeedback, oxytocin, dopamine
mesolimbic reward pathway definition in the gallifreyan brain hedonia unproven unstudied suppressed reward pathway altruism how does he do it why does he do it understand now no don't want to understand don't want to see
[The writing here tapers off into completely incomprehensible scribbles. A terrible crash from the Rani's room that sounds like a chair being broken over something. Then silence.]
[She has no idea any of this was public, by the way. Also, Selene, Meta, others? She hasn't seen your entries.]
[LATER: After Metacrisis Ten's comment, all the freeform notes are struck out and only the equations are left.]