Before .... New Moon.... and afters

Dec 12, 2009 01:21

The night began with xephyr_42 handing me music. 3 Cd's Chocked full of Awesome. After Feeding her Most Awesome dude; we left. We Stopped in momentarily at sonina's place to drop off candy.

xephyr_42 Proceeded to the movies and saw New Moon. It went like any other Mary Sue Movie would go.

The interesting phenomenon (do DOO dedoodoo) was when the whole crowd collectively sighed when the Jacob character took of his shirt. I swear to God this happened and that I have confirmation that it has happened at least 4 other showings of the film.

The Werewolves were awesome... but not enough of them. Should have been more. Less Spinning Camera... More Werewolves kicking vampires ass.

After-wards Hilarious hilarity FAR too numerous to mention ensued at Wal-Mart. It went something like me pulling the Cart while xephyr_42 hung off the back; as well as:

"You know xephyr you are lucky you hang off the back of that because if I tried that the whole cart would filp up and hit me."

Me: Wow xephyr, that look you gave that women was like 'Wait here a moment while I grab a mirror and hit you in the face.'
xephyr_42 : You know, for a moment there, I did.

Me: You know when I see a money head that big the only thing I can think of is.... huh.... Incontinence.
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