Dec 25, 2006 05:05
on some site about anti-star wars stuff! Its a bunch of bogus straw-grasping and retarded connections. But I thought it was funny!!
"The Racist, Anti-Christian Significance of Star Wars
By Name707
Part Six
We’ve considered the meanings of the names or analogues of these characters (as intended by the producers):
The Emperor/Senator Palpatine: The Chief Villain - to us The Creator
Darth Vader: Traitor, Right hand man of the Emperor - to us The Archangel/Anointed/Chosen One or "Christ"
Obi Wan Kenobi: One third of a self-righteous Jedi triad - to us "Pale Snake, Kin of the Devil", one third of a demonic rebellious trinity
Anakin Skywalker: The Covering Cherub who married a woman - to us The Watchers who spawned the monstrous Nephilim
Luke Skywalker: Son of Anakin Skywalker, "A New Hope" - to us the first Nephilim or the Second Nephilim, Son of the Devil or "Lucifer"
Leia Organa: Daughter of Anakin Skywalker/Nephilim, daughter of Padme or daughter of "one who sprang from the mud but is not sullied by the faults of mud", "Another Hope" - to us The Great Whore
So what of the other characters?
Well, there’s Mace Windu and Yoda, two Jedi Masters who make up the other two thirds of a self-righteous trinity, Windu representing their fall from grace (falling out a high rise window after a confrontation with the Emperor and his right hand man) and the reptile Yoda going into exile after himself falling from a great height during a similar battle. Shall we call them (with Obi Wan) a demonic trinity? Remember, three out of nine of the angels rebelled.
What of some of the non-Jedi characters? There’s Han Solo, a renegade privateer partnered with a giant feral hairy beast called Chewbacca. I’ll take a stab in the dark to suggest Solo represents a kind of Nephilim, an older brother type character whose name "Han" has more of an Eastern than Western influence. Of course Chewbacca represents a raw kind of beast, a proper Titan, a giant (note that his weapon of choice is a bow).
So what of the other characters. There are two droids: C-3P0 and R2-D2, who narrate the tale; one speaks our language, the other - an obscure dialect. I guess these represent some form of communication between the ancient and the modern worlds.
Note that C-3P0 presents anecdotal histories in some of these movies. Also C-3P0 had his memory tampered with at the end of the Prequel Trilogy. This suggests that he may represent the tampered Hebrew Annals we know as the Bible whereas his counterpart R2-D2 may represent a more obscured and un-tampered narrative like perhaps the Vedas or some other occulted or encoded tome.
What of some of the props in these movies? They are after all elaborately named and must mean something. Take for example the Millennium Falcon. Surely there is meaning in this title. I am still formulating an opinion on this, but as a side note (all things considered) it has an unfortunate serial number: YT 1300!!!
Now, all of this conjecture may seem interesting but it pales into comparison when one realizes there are quite a few untenable coincidences associated with these productions.
Consider the name of a mythological tome created in the mind of George Lucas, detailing the history of the Sith Lords, their loss of power, and the rise of the opposing Jedi: The Journal of the Whills. This title is rather uncanny when one realizes that the Nazi Party Leader Adolf Hitler sanctioned the notorious film maker Leni Rafesnstahl to make a propaganda movie called Triumph of the Will. Most shocking about this coincidence is the Nazi movie contains a scene basically identical to the celebration scene at the end of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
To truly understand these coincidences one must become aware of the unspoken histories encoded in ancient texts and in obscure languages: a truth detailing the relinquishment of universal Black Power."
depressed... stuck... stagnant